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Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Amazing Spiderman

The Amazing Spiderman artwork

Just yesterday I managed to catch the second installment of The Amazing Spiderman series and I absolutely loved it. The storyline was perfect and I would not think twice about watching it again. After the movie, I was scrolling through my twitter timeline and I saw this amazing piece of art. I'm not sure who exactly drew it but I must say that I was impressed at the layout and design of the drawing. In the movie, this was the scene when Spiderman failed to save his girlfriend, Gwen Stacy, and in my opinion, the artist managed to capture perfectly every emotion that I felt when watching the movie. 

Firstly, the artist used white spaces to show how raw and plain the scene was. Even though the drawing is so simple, you can almost feel the emotions that the characters felt. How empty Spiderman must have felt seeing Gwen's lifeless body just hanging there. The white spaces also help make sure that all the attention is given to the characters instead of whatever that could have been in the background. Another thing that the artist did was to create a contrast between the words and the drawing. The drawings were coloured in which caused the black words to stand out. This would ensure that they would not be over- shadowed and that they would still be noticed. Lastly, a strange sense of balance was also installed into this art piece as since the drawing is not exactly in the middle of the paper, the words towards the side helped balance it out and sort of pull everything together making it beautiful even though there are only two elements to the drawing.

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