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Saturday, May 10, 2014


This week in our essential of graphic design class, I learned about the importance of logos.
I also learned about how the principles of effective logo design helped to ensure the success of a logo. The five principles of logo design are:
1. Simple
2. Memorable
3. Timeless
4. Versatile
5. Appropriate
From the picture above, I understood just how successful these logos were as even though they were incomplete, I was still able to identify most of them. Most of the logos are basically just simple and colours are also used to make them memorable. The colours also help ensure that the logos stand out from one another. The principle of being timeless is also something that logos such as Carlsberg and Breitling use as the logos of these companies have not changed for as long as I can remember. This is good and important as if a company constantly changes it's logo, people will start to get confused and it will be less memorable. 

This shows how just much effort actually goes into one logo as it is the face of the company and a lot of thought needs to be put into it to ensure that it helps set the company apart from the rest.

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