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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Controversial Advertisments

This week during our EGD lesson, we learned about controversial advertisements. In my opinion, some controversial advertisements such as those condoning child abuse were alright. I feel that even though they were a bit graphic, they managed to get the right message across and it is the fact that they are graphic that will leave an impression in the minds of the public so as to put a stop to child abuse. However, advertisements such as the one above are not alright to me. In this advertisement, the words say that "All Animals Have The Same Parts" and then it is followed by a picture of a woman. The fact that they are comparing women to animals shows just how degrading this advertisement is. When I first saw it, I was also not able to tell what the advertisement was even for until I read the small words at the left side of the poster that says,"Have A Heart, Go Vegetarian". This just proves how ineffective this advertisement is unlike that one on child abuse. There is a fine line between an advertisement being successful and controversial and when creating my poster for our individual assignment, I must remember to keep this in mind.

Child Abuse Advertisement

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