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Saturday, July 5, 2014

EGD Assignment FINAL

This week I finally managed to hand up my assignment and this is my finished product. As mentioned in my last EGD assignment update, I used the brushes to add extra texture and dimension to the advertisement. In the original photo shoot that Demi did for her album, she was seen with ink smears and splatters all over her body and so I decided to incorporate that into my work as well. I also changed the opacity of the brush strokes so that they would not be so harsh and thus allowing them to blend into the piece more. I also learned how to download brushes off the internet and load them into photoshop and that was how I was able to achieve the paint splatter marks.

Another change that I also made was that I extended many of the lines but I made sure to use layers so that they would not overlap neither the album cover nor the picture of Demi. This helped make the advertisement seem more complete rather than two separate pages.

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