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Thursday, July 10, 2014

XPRESS Newsletter

Today in EGD, we were told to recreate a newsletter. With this project, I was able to familarise myself more with the the text box tool and the alignment tool. I find the text box tool in InDesign extremely useful and easy to use as I can simply draw text boxes anywhere I want as long as it is in the page. This makes it easy for me as I am able to easily design the page according to how I have planned it. The text alignment tools are also very useful as they help me create the different effects that I want my text to have like for example, if I want them to be all center aligned or all to the side. I also learned about how much boxes can be used to segment different parts of the newsletter. By adding in boxes, it makes it easier for people to differentiate the different components of the newsletter. Lastly, I also learned how to import and move photos around using InDesign.

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