photo banner2_zpsd42f5f4b.jpg

Friday, June 20, 2014

EGD Assignment Update

So far, what I have done is that I have used PhotoShop to isolate certain images so that I could use them without the background. In order to do this, I used the magnetic lasso tool. At first I was having a lot of trouble with this tool as I could not select the whole image and some parts would get cut out. However, I've learned that in order to fix this problem, all I had to do was to increase the frequency so that the computer would be able to pick up more shades and tones of the different colours. Next I used the line tool to draw lines on the right side of my advertisement. I did this as it is the same design that can be found on the DEMI album CD. This would help link the advertisement to the album and also it was a good way to fill up the blank spaces without overpowering the main point of the whole poster. Lastly, I used text tool to add in some words. 

Next, I will be adding in more typography to give my audience more information about the product. However, I need to remember that it cannot be too fancy or it may overshadow my images which are suppose to be the main focus of my advertisement.

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