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Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars

Recently I got the chance to watch The Fault In Our Stars and I was impressed with not only the movie, but the poster. The one thing that I really liked about this poster was the layout of it. To me, the words and the images have been placed perfectly and they not only balance the whole thing out but they also compliment one another. If you were to draw a line horizontally midway in the poster, you would be able to see that it is balanced. The top with the image of the two main character and the bottom with the words and the background of the grass. Another thing that I really like about this poster would be the colours. Everything looks to bright and vibrant and it is definitely what caught my attention in the first place. The way the colours both have contrast but still manage to compliment each other. An example would be the cool blue of the words against the vibrant green of the grass. To me, this poster was just designed just as perfectly as the movie was directed.

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