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Monday, August 4, 2014

EGD Group Project: Loyalty Membership Card (Page 4)

This is the layout that my group has managed to come up with for our loyalty card page. As you can see, instead of using the same template as before, we have decided to change things up a bit so as to make the newsletter more interesting visual-wise. We have decided to use this template as it is both easy to work with and because it incorporates the golden ratio into it. This helps ensure that if used correctly, the layout will look neat and balanced.

The most difficult part of this page would be creating an image of the actual loyalty card. We have decided to use this opportunity to incorporate some photoshop skills into our project. We have taken ideas from other popular membership cards and from these we will be creating and designing our very own card with the help of photoshop.

Also in the template, we have put aside sections to further explain the benefits of the cards, offer special discounts and we have also included the terms and conditions to not only make it seem more realistic but also because we think that it is something that is important and that it is something that people would be interested in knowing.

The Isetan membership card is an example of a card that we have made reference to because it looks classic and elegant which is what we want to achieve since our newsletter is also aimed at young adults.

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