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Friday, August 1, 2014

EGD Group Project: Content

During our EGD lesson this week, my group managed to finalise the content of our newsletter. 

Page 1: Cover Page
Page 2: Forever 21
Page 3: Le-Way and Limited Ed
Page 4: Loyalty Card
Page 5: Event
Page 6: Event
Page 7: Marche review
Page 8: Brotzeit review 

 When we first started planning our newsletter, we initially planned to just do it on the stores and just include information about it. However, Ms Tay reminded us that it was suppose to be a newsletter and not a catalog. Therefore, we have decided to change it to only 2 pages about the stores. Following that, we have decided to create a 313 loyalty card and promote it in our newsletter so that readers will be aware of it. The next two pages will then be about the events that are constantly held at 313 somerset. On the first floor of the mall, there is a small space where companies can rent and use to promote their causes or products. It's these kinds of events that we will be writing on as the events change with the months. Another 2 pages will be dedicated to restaurant reviews. My group believes that this is something that people who want to visit the mall will be interested in reading as they would want to know where the best places to eat are at. 

The three stores that we have chosen to cover have also been very carefully thought out. We have chosen Forever 21 as the Forever 21 outlet in 313 is the biggest one in Singapore as it has a total of 4 levels. Le-Way and Limited Ed were also chosen as they are not very common stores that can be found in Singapore. The Le-Way outlet in 313 is also the only outlet in Singapore. These stores have also been picked because Forever 21 will appeal to the females while Le-Way and Limited Ed will appeal to the males.

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